[CentralOH] 2017-08-17 道場 Scribbles 落書/惡文? commit small changes often; islice versus slices; open source mistakes; unix philosophy

R P Herrold herrold at owlriver.com
Thu Aug 31 14:48:46 EDT 2017

oops -- just found this in my compose queue -- it was supposed 
to go out before the IBM rant

>     1. Chatting instead of shipping

I say:  Running code talks

Linus Torvalds said: "Talk is cheap; show me the code"

>     4. Not enforcing the code of conduct

ehh?  We can see a repetition of the model where the 
politicians are harrassing the producers, on the 'node.js' 
board in the last couple weeks

I'd propose as an alternative that 'not staying on topic' is a 
much more important FOSS project killer for which to 'be on 
the look-out'. Content I laregely wrote, trying to control 

People who chose to go outside those boundries (mostly: 
profanity, invidious racist content) got the following 
escalation to protect the IRC channel: 
	- first pushback in the IRC channel, 
	- second a formal caution from a ChanOp, and 
	- third if still persisting, five minutes of 
	being 'kick-banned' before being allowed back

I can think of only two circumstances where we had to take the 
last step and formally sought intervention (a K-line' ban) 
from the Freenode admins

>     6. Having too many discussions in too many places

Definitely a CentOS problem we had as it 'grew' into 
popularity --- I 'talked' in the bug tracker, the IRC 
channels, the wiki, and the mailing lists

With the advent of success [in terms of its wide-spread 
uptake], I had to archive and be able to 'read in arrears' the 
main mailing list, limiting myself to the -devel list

>     7. Taking yourself too seriously

Always good advice -- sometimes simply stepping away from the 
keyboard and taking a deep breath and thinking before hitting 
'Send' is important

my $0.02
-- Russ herrold

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