[CentralOH] Why Python

Joshua Kramer joskra42.list at gmail.com
Sat Oct 12 15:48:13 CEST 2013

One major plus is the cross platform aspect.  For a lot of code, I can run
it unmodified on IronPython under the Microsoft .NET platform, under java
via jython, or as a standard C-based scripting language.  Additionally,
IronPython can use .NET assemblies and dll's natively, so it makes
prototyping windows  applications easy.
On Oct 11, 2013 11:15 AM, "Austin Godber" <godber at gmail.com> wrote:

> I will comment on "Ruby and Python are basically the same" ... I switched
> from writing Ruby for about five years to python predominantly because ruby
> lacked the broad ecosystem of third party libraries.  Web has been so
> dominant in Ruby that the communities support of other things has waned.
>  Specifically, for my purposes, I found Ruby support for scientific
> computing, plotting, and image processing to be lacking.  Python's tools in
> these areas are a decade ahead, though it looks like Ruby is again trying
> to flesh these things out.
> - Austin
> On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 7:38 AM, Brian Costlow <brian.costlow at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I am working on a short talk, titled Why Python?
>> This talk is aimed at adults new to programming, or who are thinking
>> about it, but have not even started yet, often those trying to learn
>> outside a traditional academic environment.
>> In an environment where certain other languages/skills will probably make
>> it easier to find an internship or entry-level job (just because there are
>> more of them out there, especially in "flyover country") why should they
>> bother to learn Python instead of Java, C#, Ruby, PHP, or JavaScript + CSS
>> & HTML?
>> Or, even if not "instead of", why should they exert effort to learn
>> Python "in addition to". After all, to people entirely new to this, Ruby
>> and Python seem to be basically the same.
>> I don't want this to just be my ideas, I want to solicit ideas from the
>> community. So, jump in on the thread, and tell me what I should be
>> including in the talk.
>> --Brian
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