[CentralOH] Why Python

Austin Godber godber at gmail.com
Fri Oct 11 17:14:42 CEST 2013

I will comment on "Ruby and Python are basically the same" ... I switched
from writing Ruby for about five years to python predominantly because ruby
lacked the broad ecosystem of third party libraries.  Web has been so
dominant in Ruby that the communities support of other things has waned.
 Specifically, for my purposes, I found Ruby support for scientific
computing, plotting, and image processing to be lacking.  Python's tools in
these areas are a decade ahead, though it looks like Ruby is again trying
to flesh these things out.

- Austin

On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 7:38 AM, Brian Costlow <brian.costlow at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am working on a short talk, titled Why Python?
> This talk is aimed at adults new to programming, or who are thinking about
> it, but have not even started yet, often those trying to learn outside a
> traditional academic environment.
> In an environment where certain other languages/skills will probably make
> it easier to find an internship or entry-level job (just because there are
> more of them out there, especially in "flyover country") why should they
> bother to learn Python instead of Java, C#, Ruby, PHP, or JavaScript + CSS
> & HTML?
> Or, even if not "instead of", why should they exert effort to learn Python
> "in addition to". After all, to people entirely new to this, Ruby and
> Python seem to be basically the same.
> I don't want this to just be my ideas, I want to solicit ideas from the
> community. So, jump in on the thread, and tell me what I should be
> including in the talk.
> --Brian
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