[CentralOH] 道場 Dojo PyOhio Special (July 26th, 2013)

Kenneth Wee vken85 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 24 21:15:18 CEST 2013

Hi All,

This week's Dojo will held together with PyOhio's Sprints on Friday, 6pm
onwards with delicious W.g. Grinders sandwiches and extra sauce,
non-Dutch-style. May not be obvious at first, unless you're Dutch.

All are welcomed.

W.g. Grinders
1666 North High Street
Columbus, OH 43201, United States

Some of us are volunteering to help set up the venue for PyOhio. We'd love
your volunteering. Interested parties, please proceed to the Ohio Union,
Cartoon room; or email me privately, off the mailing list. Your generous
contribution is greatly appreciated.

You may find either Eric, Carl, Brian, or me the third floor, Ohio Union,
from 4pm onwards. I'll arrive after 5pm to help out.

Helpers will attend the dojo-sprint event after setting up. A strategic
retreat to Dreese Labs will be called as the waning gibbous Luna graces
across the sea of stars in the crowning night of Pisces.

More information on PyOhio's Sprints:

Warmest Regards,

Kenneth Wee
Dojo Wrangler Pretender

p.s. please bring your Python dōgi, if you have one.
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