[CentralOH] Columbus Code Jam - Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Len Jaffe lenjaffe at jaffesystems.com
Tue Jul 23 18:31:47 CEST 2013

Columbus Code Jam is a casual meetup to pair on cool projects, to get
one-on-one guidance from experienced developers & sys admins, to network,
learn, and eat pizza.

Topics we've discussed while hacking range from ruby on rails to C++, from
modems and BBSes (the good old days) to system performance monitoring.

Bring your projects, your questions, your problems, and most importantly of
all, your self to Tech Columbus, on Kinnear Road, on Wednesday, July 31,
2013, starting at 6:30pm

lenjaffe at jaffesystems.com   614-404-4214    @lenjaffe
Software Enginer, Founder Volunteerable <http://www.volunteerable..com/>,
Host of Columbus Code Jam <http://www.meetup.com/techlifecolumbus/>
www.lenjaffe.com     http://www.theycomewithcheese.com
Perl Advent Planet <http://www.lenjaffe.com/PerlAdventPlanet/> - Advent
Calendars: Perlish and otherwise.
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