[Catalog-sig] adding a trove classifier?

Chris McDonough chrism at plope.com
Thu Nov 12 18:04:40 CET 2009

I hope this is the right place to ask the question, but whom does one petition 
to add new Trove classifiers?

I'd love to be able to have the classifiers "Framework :: BFG" classifier and a 
"License :: Repoze Public License" added to the PyPI list.

Rationale for "Framework :: BFG"

repoze.bfg (http://bfg.repoze.org) (shorthand "BFG") is a web framework that 
has been around about a year and a half now and plugins are being uploaded to 
PyPI for it:


Rationale for "License :: Repoze Public License"

All packages that are in the "repoze.*" namespace are released under this 
license.  There are lots of them now:


- C

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