[Borgbackup] file changed while we backed it up

Boris Kirkorowicz bkborg at kirk.de
Sun May 28 05:03:10 EDT 2023

during the last days, there are some messages like this:

> borg create -v --stats --show-rc -C zstd /mnt/rs1219a/Boris::'{now:%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M}' /home/boris
> Creating archive at "/mnt/rs1219a/Boris::2023-05-27_08-41"
> /home/boris/Dokumente/Sicherungen/T560B/T560B-orig-4.img.gz: file changed while we backed it up
> /home/boris/Dokumente/Sicherungen/T560B/T560B-orig.img.gz: file changed while we backed it up
resulting in rc=1

I am pretty sure that these files didn't change since 2016, since they 
are backups of partition images that I only might need if I sell my old 
notebook some day. What does that message mean, what might cause it, how 
to avoid it?

Mit freundlichem Gruß                                 Best regards

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