[Borgbackup] Excludes are ignored

Bzzzz lazyvirus at gmx.com
Tue Dec 15 16:54:10 EST 2020

On Tue, 15 Dec 2020 22:06:29 +0100
Yves Goergen <nospam.list at unclassified.de> wrote:

> Hello,


> I've got a problem with excluding files in a borg backup. The version
> is 1.1.14 on Ubuntu Linux (multiple versions).
> The command looks like this:
> borg create 
> ssh://user@your-storagebox.de:23/./backup-name::'{now:%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M}' 
> /mnt/backup_snapshot  --exclude /mnt/backup_snapshot/lost+found 
> --exclude /mnt/backup_snapshot/tmp
> --exclude /mnt/backup_snapshot/var/mail
> Or this:
> borg create 
> ssh://user@your-storagebox.de:23/./backup-name::'{now:%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M}' 
> /mnt/backup_snapshot  --exclude lost+found --exclude tmp --exclude
> var/mail
> But all these excluded files are completely /included/ in the backup. 
> The /mnt/backup_snapshot directory is a LVM snapshot mount directory, 
> it's a snapshot copy of /.

I store all exclusions in, using the switch:
	--exclude-from <filename>
that is working well - it needs a little trick to also avoid keeping
hidden files (/.?* termination)

Here's a sample of it:

# FROM :
# NB...:Default style is: fm:/path/bla  -  fair enough for my needs.


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