[Borgbackup] borgbackup 1.2.0a5 alpha release

Rainer Traut tr.ml at gmx.de
Wed Mar 27 05:03:09 EDT 2019

Hi list,

Am 26.03.19 um 17:05 schrieb Fabio Pedretti:
> Il giorno mar 26 mar 2019 alle ore 16:38 Melkor Lord
> <melkor.lord at gmail.com <mailto:melkor.lord at gmail.com>> ha scritto:
>     Is there anyone here using Borg in a datacenter infrastructure? With a
>     good deal of servers pushing their data to a "central" backup server? I
>     wonder how you manage it efficiently.
>     I've read here some stories about huge repos but no story yet about
>     lots
>     of clients pushing to a backup server. I'd like some feedback on
>     that if
>     you're willing to share your experience.
> I am using a central borg server  backupping 20 remote clients (which
> are server themself).
> The borg server mount with NFS automount the needed directory of the
> remotes (exported with read only mode).
> Then it start a sequential backup of the 20 servers, using a single
> repository. This way deduplication is improved, also I found it a bit
> more simpler and cleaner.
> Just make sure to set the BORG_FILES_CACHE_TTL variable to a number
> bigger than the number of servers, to avoid emptying the cache (I set it
> to 4x the servers number).
> Using that since some years, working beautifully.
> 1.2 should also hopefully improve this scenario, since I could do a
> manual compaction just 1 single time after the 20 daily backups, rather
> than being forced for all the 20 servers. Probably saving around
> 3minutes * 20 servers ~ 1 hour every day (just a guess).

Yes, I'm doing the same with sshfs and the borg opts:

borg create --files-cache=ctime,size

so that caching works.

Can I omit that with NFS?


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