[Borgbackup] Rebuilding missing manifest - how long / Progress missing?

geek at airmail.cc geek at airmail.cc
Mon Apr 23 13:12:20 EDT 2018

On 2018-04-23 19:07, Thomas Waldmann wrote:

>> Thank you for the explanation. Is there any way to check that a) the 
>> process is not stuck b) to get any estimate where is it now and how 
>> long still to go?

> Check if there is borg client (or borg repo server) activity, data
> flowing to disk or via network.

It's all running locally. How can I do that?

> If you have an idea how big the initial backup was and how long it
> took, you can use that as the basis for a rough estimate.

Nope. But as I told the repository check (CRC32 check) was finished 
within 4 hours.

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