[Borgbackup] Speed issues compared with rsync

Thomas Waldmann tw at waldmann-edv.de
Fri Apr 14 07:36:08 EDT 2017

> I set encryption to none

Good for speed in this special case.

> and compression to none

Not sure about this one, consider trying lz4 (little cpu load, less data
to transfer/store).

> but still borg needs 8 hours for a non-first backup

That's strange for a non-first backup.

borg usually detects most files are unchanged and skips them very fast.
Only transfers if something has changed.

The fast-skip detection depends on file mtime, file size and inode
number. Check if these are stable for unchanged files.

> while rsync needs 6 minutes.

borg should be similarly fast for most files unchanged.

For changed files, borg has a bit more to compute (plus optionally
encryption and compression) than rsync but it will save you a lot of
storage in some cases (like big files with little changes, like VM images).

> It's about 350GB, mostly documents and images. The machine is quite
> slow, it's an ARM-based machine (odroid XU4), but still, rsync was able
> to do it pretty fast.

borg 1.0 can only use 1 of the cores.
borg 1.2 is planned to have multithreading.

> Is there anything I can do, to get the speed to anything similar to what
> rsync was? A little bit slower would be okay, like an hour or maybe even
> two, but this is way to slow.

Find out why fast-skip does not work. Is something touching the mtimes?
Do you use a filesystem that does not have stable inode numbers? For the
last case, there is a --ignore-inodes switch.


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