[Python-Belgium] MicroPython workshop on Saturday 24th at HSBXL

Hugo Herter hugo at hugoherter.com
Sat Feb 17 05:31:05 EST 2018

Hi Pythonistas,

The HSBXL <https://hsbxl.be/welcome/> is organising a free workshop to play
with Python and MicroPython on the ESP32 microcontroller, starting at 14:00
on Saturday 24th.

Event information: https://hsbxl.be/MicroPython_on_ESP32
There is a limited number of boards, register on the wiki if you want to
secure one ;-)

Pythonially yours,

*H**ugo **H**ERTER*
hugoherter.com <http://www.hugoherter.com/>
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