[Baypiggies] Don't miss PyBay this year - more D&I scholarships available if you can ACT NOW :-)

Grace Law grace at pybay.com
Fri Aug 9 19:19:49 EDT 2019

Hi fans of BayPiggies,

Looking for something cool to do next weekend?  SF Python is putting
together a Python Conference <https://pybay.com/> in SF with 600+
Pythonistas and 55+ speakers from around so you can geek out on your
favorite topics and make some new friends!

*The conference is intended as a fund-raising event for SF Python to
produce 20+ free events throughout the year but since we've just secured a
bit more sponsorships and individual donations, we are running one more
round of Diversity and Inclusion scholarships / financial aid awards this
weekend. See ProTip below and Apply for diversity and inclusion
scholarships by 8/10 at 12n
<https://pybay.com/volunteer-and-scholarships/#scholarship>. If you can
afford a ticket, we will have even more money for D&I.*

Here are some of the amazing speakers! 33% of speakers are from
under-presented groups!


   Peter Norvig - Director of Research at Google Inc; previously he
   directed Google's core search algorithms group. Co-author of Artificial
   Intelligence: A Modern Approach, the leading textbook in the field.

   Rachel Thomas - Selected by Forbes as one of “20 Incredible Women
   Advancing AI Research.” Co-founder of fast.ai. Researcher-in-residence
   at USF Data Institute

   Raymond Hettinger - Core developer for cPython’s Dictionary and more

   Michael Sully - Core developer for mypy, Software engineer at Dropbox

   Luciano Ramalho - coming from Brazil: Author of Oreilly's Fluent Python
   and Technical Principal at Thoughtworks

   Emily Moorehouse - coming from Chicago, Co-founder and Director of
   Engineering at Cuttlesoft. Python core developer. PyCon 2019 co-chair.

   David Lord - coming from San Diego, core maintainer of Flask and related

   Lukasz Langa - coming from Poland, Creator of Black, Auto Formatter

And talks not to miss!

   - Pushing the limits of Python: ML infra at Netflix
   - Real-Time Bidding Models to Sales Recommendations
   - mypy - Getting to Four Million Lines of Typed Python
   - Building contextual AI assistants with OSS tools
   - Ask the Ecosystem: Lessons from 200+ FOSS Applications
   - Patterns for Clean API Design <https://pybay.com/speaker/paul-ganssle/>
   - Full Stack Web with Nothing but Python: How Anvil Works
   - Understanding Python’s Debugging Internals

   Python Steering Council Panel Discussion

See full schedule for a list of talks and workshops:

Don’t forget additional in-conference opportunities to present your ideas /
show off your iOT projects: https://pybay.com/events

Register NOW to participate single-day OR multiple days!
 Discount code baypiggies35 for $35 OFF applied


 Apply for diversity and inclusion scholarships by 8/10 at 12n

Protip: Don’t forget to mention any contributions to the community / open
source projects!  If you don’t live in the bay area, state that you will
cover your own travel - we can’t cover your travel.  Chances are better if
you need half-scholarships. Our scholarship chair Chris will let you know
by Sunday.

PS. Tremendous gratitude for our program chair's brother who has complied
this short about PyBay <https://youtu.be/EwK04nc4iyI>for us! He just
graduated from film school in case if you have video projects for him to
do! He will be at PyBay.

Cheers and happy coding!

Grace Law

PyBay Conference Chair and SF Python Organizer

415-323-0388 / grace at pybay.com

SF Python <http://sfpython.org/> is a volunteer-run organization aiming to
foster the Python Community in the Bay Area. We produce ~20 educational
events a year including PyBay <https://pybay.com/>, the Regional Python
Conference in SF this August. Learn more <https://youtu.be/EwK04nc4iyI>
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