[Baypiggies] August Classes at UCSC Silicon Valley

Marilyn Davis mdavis2 at ucsc.edu
Fri Aug 9 14:22:08 EDT 2019

Hi Python People,

Aug 19 - 22, Mon - Thurs, is a face-to-face intensive "Python For
Programmers" class, with 11 days together online after for questions and
finishing the class work:

Experienced programmers only please.

If you'd prefer a more relaxed course, try the online course.  It doesn't
start, officially, until Aug 2;  but you can register now and start


Also in August, we offer Python for Data Analysis, a face-to-face intensive
Aug 26 - 29, with 11 days online after to finish the class work and ask

This class is for absolute beginners to programming.  The miracle of
Python and the Pandas/Numpy/Mathplotlib libraries, using Jupyter
notebooks, makes it a quick study to be analyzing and graphing data with
no previous experience in programming.


All courses are hands-on with short lectures, and lots of relevant
exercises, and, we study the solutions after some lab time.

Questions are always welcome; discussion and pair-programming are

Please come, and send students!

Marilyn Davis, Ph.D.
Python Instructor
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