[Baypiggies] This Thursday's meeting: PyCon preview and Packaging for Beginners

Jeff Fischer jeffrey.fischer at gmail.com
Mon Mar 19 13:17:27 EDT 2018

BayPiggies Meeting Thursday March 22, 7pm to 9pm

LinkedIn, Unify Meeting Room 950 W. Maude Ave, Sunnyvale

For this Thursday's meeting, we have a great lineup: two PyCon preview
talks and an talk on Python packaging for beginners. Given the full
schedule, we will start with announcements right at 7 pm.

Talk Details
1. A Bit about Bytes: Understanding Python Bytecode by James Bennett

At some point every Python programmer sees Python bytecode files -- they're
those '.pyc' files Python likes to leave behind after it runs. But have you
ever wondered what's really going on in those files? Well, wonder no more!
In this talk you'll learn what Python bytecode is and how it's used to
execute your code, as well as how to decipher and read it, and how to
reason about bytecode to understand the performance of your Python code.

Speaker Bio James is a philosopher turned web geek. Django core. Currently
with the engineering team at Clover Health, trying to make health insurance
2. A practical guide to Singular Value Decomposition in Python by Daniel

Recommender systems have become increasingly popular in recent years, and
are used by some of the largest websites in the world to predict the
likelihood of a user taking an action on an item. In the world of Netflix,
this means recommending similar movies to the ones you have seen. In the
world of dating, this means suggesting matches similar to people you
already showed interest in!

My path to recommenders has been an unusual one: from a Software Engineer
to working on matching algorithms at a dating company, with a little
background on machine learning. With my knowledge of Python and the use of
basic SVD (Singular Value Decomposition) frameworks, I was able to
understand SVDs from a practical standpoint of what you can do with them,
instead of focusing on the science.

In my talk, you will learn 2 practical ways of generating recommendations
using SVDs: matrix factorization and item similarity. We will be learning
the high-level components of SVD the "doer way": we will be implementing a
simple movie recommendation engine with the help of Jupiter notebooks, the
MovieLens database, and the Surprise recommendation package.

Speaker Bio Daniel is a Senior Machine Learning Engineer at Coffee Meets
Bagel. In his spare time, Daniel helps organize SF Python, one of the
biggest Python meetups in the Bay Area where he helps numerous new and
experienced developers learn about Python and in turn land jobs at
well-known tech companies. Daniel has been involved in the Python community
since 2014 and has been invited as a guest speaker at Pycon Italy, many Bay
Area meetups, and PyBay.
3. Python Packaging for Beginners by David Lambert

An overview of packaging in Python. I will describe how to create a package
and place it online.

Speaker Bio After graduate school in Physics, David went into software and
has extensive experience as a tech support engineer. He has taken
programming and computer science classes, and is looking for an entry-level
developer position.


Meeting Schedule:

   - 7:00 pm Food and Announcements
   - 7:05 pm Talks start
   - 8:40 pm Networking
   - 9:00 pm Event ends
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