[Baypiggies] PyBay 2018, Regional Python Conference wants you to present!

Grace Law grace at pybay.com
Fri Mar 16 23:44:25 EDT 2018

*Hi Pythonista,*

*Are you developing wicked-cool open-source technologies or tools that the
Python community needs to know about? Or have you had some break-through
while using Python in your stack at work or in your personal project that
others can learn from?If so, don’t miss the opportunity to spread your
message this August 16-19 at PyBay, <https://pybay.com/> the largest (500+
devs) and most fun get-together of the year for Bay Area’s Pythonistas! The
Call for Proposals <https://pybay.com/cfp> for the 3rd annual regional
Python conference is open, and we’d love to hear about your expertise in: -
Python in the world of data science- Machine learning and artificial
intelligence with Python- Data visualization, data wrangling...- DevOps and
infrastructure with Python- Frameworks and tools- High performance,
reliable, and scalable applications- Core Python language features-
Programming hardware with Python- Building, integrating, migrating your
project using Python- The people side of engineering and community- Other
stuff that you're passionate about *

*Feel free to browse 2016 <http://www.pybay16.com/schedule-1> and 2017
<http://2017.pybay.com/schedule.1.html>'s talk lists or watch SF Python's
talk videos
<https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC51aOZF5nnderbuar5D5ifw/videos> *for

*PyBay also offers full-day and half-day pre-conference workshops. If
you’re interested in offering a workshop, please submit your proposal here
<https://goo.gl/forms/1N9qThgzn0DRkc3S2>.  Grace LawSF Python Organizer and
PyBay ChairP.S. PyBay is produced by SF Python Meetup
<http://sfpython.org>, a volunteer-run organization producing 20+
large-scale educational Python events a year with the aim of connecting Bay
Area Python developers and companies so we can learn, share, and have fun
together. Please fill out this form
<https://goo.gl/forms/AswOl3zkCBisxUlL2> to explore opportunities to
sponsor PyBay and/or our other events.*

P.P.S. Enjoy the video highlights <https://youtu.be/YRTSQ9XO9-c> by Linda
Peng from PyBay2017!

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