[Baypiggies] Excellent talk last night (even if the traffic was crazy)

Jeff Fischer jeffrey.fischer at gmail.com
Fri May 27 12:16:30 EDT 2016

Thanks to Suman for an excellent talk! I will definitely be checking out
Rockstor. I urge all of you to check out their website at
http://rockstor.com. I think that Suman and the Rockstor team have done an
excellent job building something useful and cool and creating a new open
source community.

Thanks to those who braved the traffic and for the excellent questions last

For those of you that could not make it, LinkedIn recorded the video. We
will put it up on YouTube when it is ready and announce it to the group.

We're very sorry about the traffic -- I didn't think to check for concerts.
Now I know! Grant already checked the upcoming concert schedule at
Shoreline (thanks!). Most months are clear, except for July. We'll figure
out what to do about that month. Let me know if you have any ideas.


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