[Baypiggies] BayPIGgies lives :)

Glen Jarvis glen at glenjarvis.com
Sat Jan 16 10:39:16 EST 2016

Despite Popular rumor, BayPIGgies is very much alive.

Glen Jarvis has agreed to be temporary organizer and will continue to do so
until things have stabilized. Jeff Fischer has volunteered to co-organize
and will be co-organizing the February MeetUp. Seven additional volunteers
have stepped up to the plate to help keep BayPIGgies running.

We are in communication with LinkedIn for continuing our meetings there. We
have two other companies volunteer to give us space if they can and if the
LinkedIn arrangement can't be met: SAP and Intel.

We have the following dates scheduled. We still have five slots to fill:

28-Jan  Glen Jarvis - Explore Git internals using Python

25-Feb  <waiting for confirmation>

24-Mar  Matt Savage () / Python<->VR  (If agreed to do it for BayPIGgies
instead of Silicon Valley Python)


26-May PyCon Practice Talks


28-July Glen Jarvis - Join Forces: Python meet Ruby; Ruby meet Python






Although there has been drama around the recently used MeetUp site, we
still have access to and are being hosted by the Silicon Valley Python
Meetup (http://www.meetup.com/silicon-valley-python/). There is access to
over 3,773 Pythonistas -- Over three times the size of the site that is in
contention. The Silicon Valley Python MeetUp has agreed to cross-post for
us until the MeetUp problems that we have encountered have been fixed.

Membership Refunds


We have corporate sponsorship of refunds for those who have mistakenly paid
membership dues to the now sequestered MeetUp site. This was given by the
RockIt Recruiting firm (http://www.rockitrecruiting.com/), the firm that I
always used because they completely understand the Open Source community.
Please send an email to glen at glenjarvis.com to start the claim.

RockIT gave this statement:

As a proponent of networking, technology, transparency, and the Silicon
Valley startup community, RockIT Recruiting
<http://www.rockitrecruiting.com/> would like to do our part to support the
Bay PIGgies community.

We heard that some members mistakenly joined the now-named Bay PRIGgies
meetup group and were charged a membership fee.  RockIT is offering $500*
to reimburse those who mistakenly joined the group but were trying to join
the original BayPIGgies community.

*If the full amount isn't claimed for reimbursement, we will donate the
remainder for beer/food at the next Bay PIGgies Meetup event.
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