[Baypiggies] Your New Year's Resolution: Learn more Python

Glen Jarvis glen at glenjarvis.com
Thu Jan 2 09:04:01 CET 2014

Make a resolution -- improve your Python skills.

Organize a room? Drive to the location? Set-up the projector? That's *so*

It's 2014!! Join us online to either learn or teach more Python. This is a
free event where we get together and review materials to learn the Python
Programming Language (http://www.python.org/).

We will use Google Hangouts on Air so that anyone can watch (either live or
at a later time) and many can join-in.

Want to see an sample? Go to this video

(but fast-forward in 9:00 min from the front of the video -- we had a rough
start and didn't get started for 9 minutes):


Excited?  Join us online at this link on Saturday, 4-Jan (1:30pm PST):


Want to be kept updated? Want a reminder? Want to participate (and not just
watch passively)?

If you want to participate (by asking questions, etc.), send an email to
this address:

hangouts at glenjarvis.com

We're still struggling with the set-up, so please be patient if we have
another rough start (which is likely).



We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action
always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action.

-- Frank Tibolt
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