[Baypiggies] Fwd: Reminder - Tonight: SF Python meet-up featuring Dev Tools for Django and Web2Py

Venkatraman S venkat83 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 19 03:53:29 CEST 2011

On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 5:53 AM, David Berthelot
<david.berthelot at gmail.com>wrote:

> So I generally wouldn't consider the database speed independent of the
> framework as long as the framework does some automatic database request
> generation and type handling. This became particularly obvious as the
> database grew bigger and the framework became slower.

I am a speed maniac, and i like apps to be fast, i am ready to sacrifice
feature set for good speed; or rather, present the feature set with a few
more clicks - i.e, if you are showing an item on a page, then i would
generally like to show everything related to that item in a single page; but
showing all the related items(which can cause more SQLs and HTTP requests)
can cause a probable slowdown, i would rather show links which would link to
the related items (sometimes this approach also leads to a lesser cluttered
UI - but again, the number of clicks that the user has to do is more [some
UI experts rate an app based on the number of clicks that a user has to to
achieve an end result]).

Having said that, its very important to profile an app - in a django app
that i was developing in my fun time, i happened to see that  there were 40+
queries on a single page, using DDT i was able to diagnose the SQLs being
fired, and was able reduce this to just 6 - and out of these 6, 1 sql is for
hitting the msgs tbl and the other 1 is for checking if the user is logged

I truly believe in the fact that  "performance is a feature" [
Also, IMHO, if you can move bulk of the business logic to SQLs (in
apps you have to use SQLs), then you can make your code less cluttered and
also easy to maintain. For eg. in this case [
i moved the filtering to the SQLs; and also even in here, i was firing
queries earlier and was doing some iterations (pain!).

To explain [2], i have 2 types of users: employees and
general-users(non-emps). I needed to get all items for a given employee or
customer(non-emp); if the user happened to be employee then get all items
from his org - so you need to iterate over all emps and get respective items
for each emp and concatenate the list. If the user was a
general-user(non-emp), then simply get his items alone.

items = []
if self.is_superorg_user(): #check user type
    emps = self.get_all_employees() #get all employees
    if emps:
      for e in emps: #iterate over the emps
        p = Items.objects.filter(created_by=e).filter(deleted=False)  #get
items by THIS emp
        if len(p)>0:
          items.extend(p) #keep concatenating to the orig list
else: #non-emp user
  items = Items.objects.filter(created_by=self)

Now, all those SQLs for emp users, can be removed and replaced with:

items = []
if self.is_superorg_user(): #check user type
  items =
  items = Items.objects.filter(created_by=self)

[1] http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2011/06/performance-is-a-feature.html

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