[Baypiggies] Fwd: Reminder - Tonight: SF Python meet-up featuring Dev Tools for Django and Web2Py

Grace Law grace at lolapps.com
Tue Jul 19 02:57:24 CEST 2011

David, Venket and others :)

I think this is a lovely follow-up thread after the python meetup and would
love to see this posted on the meetup message board as well

I'd imagine many others that have attended the event, including the author
of the project, will be interested in joining in on the discussions

What do you think?

If you have trouble sending email to python-189 at meetup.com, you may have to
sign-up as a member of the meetup group.



On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 5:23 PM, David Berthelot
<david.berthelot at gmail.com>wrote:

> From: Massimo Di Pierro <massimo.dipierro at gmail.com>
>> For a typical web app my experience is the bottle neck is the database and
>> independent on the framework.
> Having been a relatively advanced user of Drupal, to me the direct cause of
> slowdown was the framework itself. Not in the time it took to execute the
> lines of code but because of the SQL requests and datastructures underlying
> the framework (node ids, revision ids, permissions, views, etc... would
> generate a lot of requests to view a simple page). So I generally wouldn't
> consider the database speed independent of the framework as long as the
> framework does some automatic database request generation and type handling.
> This became particularly obvious as the database grew bigger and the
> framework became slower.
> That being said, this could be a Drupal specific issue and may be web2py
> database is better optimized (e.g. closer to human written data-structures
> and requests).

Grace Law
Sr Technical Recruiter @ http://lolapps.com

Skype: divemaldives
Phone: 415-323-0388
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