[Baypiggies] Python SVG and CGI

Mark Voorhies mvoorhie at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 28 00:12:27 CET 2010

On Wednesday 27 January 2010 2:03 pm Silas Toms wrote:
> Hello All-
> I'm trying to create a Python CGI application that will serve dynamically
> generated SVG maps (mostly of parcel data generated using supplied GPS
> coordinates) but I seem to be hitting the twin limitations of my (lack of)
> knowledge of CGI and the sparseness of Python CGI documentation with regards
> to the inclusion of SVG embeds or objects. Do any of you have any
> information/documentation that you could point me towards? 
> The whole thing is so frustrating because this seems really promising, and I
> feel like I'm so close to creating something really useful.
> PS I'm more of a GIS guy so even the most basic info might be what I need.
> Thanks- Silas

I haven't had time to play with it, but mapnik from the OpenStreetMap project 
is C++ with python bindings and can generate SVG renderings of maps.  It's 
LGPL-licensed, so it's probably worth at least looking at their code.



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