[Baypiggies] Python SVG and CGI

Simeon Franklin simeonf at gmail.com
Wed Jan 27 23:53:45 CET 2010

On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 2:03 PM, Silas Toms <me at silastoms.com> wrote:

> I seem to be hitting the twin limitations of my (lack of) knowledge of CGI
> and the sparseness of Python CGI documentation with regards to the inclusion
> of SVG embeds or objects. Do any of you have any information/documentation
> that you could point me towards?

Silas -

Using CGI is pretty old school at this point and I suspect you'd find better
documentation if you looked at one of the modern frameworks on the Python
Wiki Web Frameworks page (http://wiki.python.org/moin/WebFrameworks).

SVG on the other hand is a data standard for representing vector images in
XML and has nothing to do with CGI or any other HTTP processing model.
Perhaps you're trying to figure out how to get SVG images in HTML documents?
You could start out with static HTML and a static SVG image. A List Apart
just published a good overview of the browser support for various methods
for getting SVG in HTML documents that you might find useful - Part 1 is at
part 2 is linked at the bottom of the page...

Simeon Franklin
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