[Baypiggies] considering starting a Open Source collective

Donna Snow donnamsnow at gmail.com
Thu Jan 29 03:03:03 CET 2009

I've been considering this for awhile because I met the guys running the
collective in Seattle and was impressed. Financially my business is ok for
now (start another project for Stanford next month) but I think a collective
would help to highlight each individuals strengths without the overhead of
the usual "company" setup. Like I said, I have the office and I have the
server space, I just don't have the time in the day I need nor all the
expertise I'd like. I think it's a good time to get out there because there
is going to be more demand for Open Source,especially since Obama has
received a report from Scott McNealy


I still need to do more research on this but if anyone is available next
week and would like to talk please let me know.

Glen, I'll keep you in the loop if you want to try and start one in the SF
area. Let me do some more digging into what it takes to set one up (legally,

Thanks guys/gals :-)


On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 4:57 PM, Glen Jarvis <glen at glenjarvis.com> wrote:

> I *really* like the idea and have thought of it this often. I know people
> in different areas that would do something similar if there were others
> close to them. However, it needs to be fairly close to be effective for me.
> If you were in San Francisco, I'd seriously consider it.
> This is a great discussion point. Maybe we'll get several small collectives
> (like one in SF; one in Concord; one closer to where you live, etc.) San
> Francisco does have Sandbox Suites (http://www.sandboxsuites.com/)<http://www.sandboxsuites.com/%29>which seems to be the same and seems *very* cost effective to me depending
> upon which package you need.
> Good luck with the collective...  Times are tough for *all* of us right
> now, so we understand. (Frankly, I'm hoping my current customer pays his
> invoice early or I won't have rent money -- it's gotten that bad for me).
> But, we'll get through it eventually.
> All the best,
> Glen Jarvis
> --
> 415-680-3964
> glen at glenjarvis.com
> http://www.glenjarvis.com
> "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." -M. Gandhi
> On Jan 28, 2009, at 4:08 PM, Donna Snow wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to talk to a few people who might be interested in participating
> in a collective. The collective would focus on python and Open Source
> projects. http://www.webcollective.coop/ is an example of one in Seattle
> that is doing really well right now.
> I have room for another desk in my office on Hamilton, space on our servers
> at Hurricane Electric and we have servers galore in our office. With the
> state of the economy right now, trying to make it as a sole-proprietor is
> going to be extremely tough. I'd like to have a conversation with a few
> people interested in venturing out on their own. We can share rent cost and
> colocation cost.
> I am not sure HOW to set one up exactly but we can discuss this at the
> initial meeting and determine whether it makes sense to pursue the
> collective.
> Interested? email me offlist and we'll meet at my office at the beginning
> of next week.
> Thank You!!
> Best Regards,
> Donna M Snow, Principal
> C Squared Enterprises
> illuminating your path to Open Source
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