[Baypiggies] Mon 10/13, Burlingame - MITCNC Nicholas Negroponte (OLPC, Co-Founder of MIT Media Lab)

Stephen McInerney spmcinerney at hotmail.com
Thu Oct 9 03:09:33 CEST 2008

[Crossposting this MITCNC event for the benefit of the OLPC enthusiasts. - Stephen]
"Spotlight MIT 2008" is the premier event of the MITCNC calendar.Our keynote speaker this year is Nicholas Negroponte of MIT, founder ofOne Laptop Per Child and co-founder and Chairman of the MIT Media Lab. Is there really going to be a $50 laptop soon? Ask that and many otherquestions and delve into the brilliant mind of Professor Negroponte,where he will share his vision and insights of the digital future. In addition, network and mingle with hundreds of MIT alumni and others at MITCNC's biggest event of the year! Early registration is encouraged as we expect the event to sell out.This event is open to all -- alums and non-alums are welcome! 
Date: Monday 13 October Time: 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM 
Location: Marriott San Francisco Airport,1800 Old Bayshore Highway, Burlingame, CA 
Cost: MIT Club of Northern California Members and Affiliated organizations- $65.00.Cost includes cocktail reception, sit-down, three-course dinner, and Professor Negroponte's talk and Q&A session. 
Registation:For more details and registration, click http://www.mitcnc.org/Events_Single.asp?eventID=1441. Registration is opened to October 9th. Ignore the date at the site. 
______________________________________________________________________From: cs-chap-scv at ieee.org, IEEE Computer Society 
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