[Baypiggies] Python video suggestion for July 5 Berkeley & Americas' TIPP meeting?

Alex Martelli aleax at google.com
Mon Jun 30 08:41:02 CEST 2008

On Sun, Jun 29, 2008 at 11:19 PM, john_re <john_re at fastmail.us> wrote:
> On Sun, 29 Jun 2008 22:08:07 -0700, "Alex Martelli" <aleax at google.com>
> said:
>> Yeah, unfortunately the first talk got cut in the first 10
>> minutes-plus -- I'm working with my colleagues who did the video to
>> see if we can remedy that, but, meanwhile, the start of the
>> presentation should be gotten from my older video of a similar talk
>> that's also on google video under the peculiar title "python for
>> programmer"!-)
> 1) Alex:  How specifically do we do that: get the start of the
> presentation from the older video?  What is the cut point/time?  [Any
> chance it would be remedied by July 4 (one day before the Berkeley
> meeting)?]

No idea what chance my colleagues have of fixing the issue in the
coming week, sorry.

The Google I/O new and shiny presentation, as currently recorded on
video, starts at "Seeing Results" -- you could start with the "Python
for Programmer" talk and take the first 25 minutes or so from that
(sorry, I tried measuring that more precisely but it's getting pretty
late now, so I'll just guess!-) and then segue into the generally
preferable Google I/O talks (preferable except for the slide formats
-- for I/O I had to use dark text on light background AND [eecch!]
Ariel fonts...).


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