[Baypiggies] Essential SQLAlchemy, 1st Edition- I have a reviewer now. No more replies are necessary

William Deegan bdbaddog at gmail.com
Tue Jul 1 22:52:43 CEST 2008

On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 12:31 PM, Tony Cappellini <cappy2112 at gmail.com>

> >>I just hunted around on the baypiggies site and found the book reviews
>> >>section.  Not to add work to you, but it would be a great service if you
>> >>could post a message to the baypiggies mailing list as new reviews get
>> >>published.
>> Good points Terry. Thanks for the feedback.
> My intentions for the "reviews" section new website is to have the reviews
> section - somewhat self maintaining. It would be great if users could post
> their own reviews. Ideally, I'd like to have a page there where people who
> want to sign up for reviews and wait for a Title to be published, as well as
> have a list of new titles waiting for reviewers. In reality, perhaps people
> should tell me what they would like to see in the reviews area.

We can do that with the current site, though it might be a big clunky.
If someone wants to be the alpha user for such let me know.

> I really dont want to post messages to the list to say "a review has been
> posted", and I'm almost sure the list subscribers dont want this extra
> traffic. I feel hesitant on posting messages asking for reviewers, but since
> we get some perks from O'Reilly and other publishers it's been tolerated.
> The Plone site has been a source of problems, we have noone to fix/maintain
> it. It doesn't seem that this is likely to change, even though we have asked
> for Plone-knowledgable people to chip in a few hours of time. I'm all for
> going back to the old site.

We should sit down and I can show you what I've figured out.
I've been learning a number of CMS's and while I can't say plone is the most
straightforward of all the ones I've used, it is conceptually similar.
Basically with all CMS's articles can be in many states private,
If we can get some of Donna's time, as offered, for a bit of a brain dump
from her to me, and potentially upgrade to latest plone, we can take care of
the issues.
Barring that,  if we're not stuck on using python, I'm learing Joomla at the
moment, which seems much easier to deal with.

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