[Baypiggies] Growing the number/location of meetings

Andrew Toulouse andrew at atoulou.se
Tue Jul 1 04:40:28 CEST 2008

Unsportsmanlike and a bit abrasive but not wrong. I silently agreed (well,
silently until now), except for the stuff below the line ("------"), which
I'll refrain from commenting on.


On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 1:20 PM, William Deegan <bdbaddog at gmail.com> wrote:

> Mike,
> -50 unsportsmanlike conduct.
> 10 yard penalty, change of possession.
> -Bill
> On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 1:08 PM, Mike Cheponis <mac at wireless.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, 30 Jun 2008, Aahz wrote:
>>  I've suggested we keep the Google Mt. View meetings as they are, and ADD
>>>> meetings "up north" (meaning SF, Berkeley, San Bruno, etc).
>>>> I suggested these additional meetings be on the 4th Thursday of the
>>>> month.
>>>> In this way, we grow the Bay Piggies by having a "south" monthly meeting
>>>> at
>>>> Google Mt. View (which we have at present), and we have an additional
>>>> meeting "up north" at location(s) T.B.D.
>>> The problem is that people like Alex already said that they're interested
>>> in attending meetings in multiple locations -- but very few people are
>>> able to attend multiple meetings per month.  If we consistently get more
>>> than fifty people at each location, maybe then it's time to consider
>>> multiple meetings per month.
>>> If we do that, we might as well add a *different* weeknight; I know some
>>> people can't attend meetings on Thursdays, which then leads to *each*
>>> location rotating between weeknights so that e.g. people who can't go to
>>> Mountain View on Thursdays have a chance.
>>> --
>>> Aahz (aahz at pythoncraft.com)           <*>
>>> http://www.pythoncraft.com/
>> I find these comments to be unhelpful.
>> Aahz, I can see that English is probably not your first language.
>> Firstly, let's take apart your comments:
>>  The problem is that people like Alex already said that they're interested
>>> in attending meetings in multiple locations -- but very few people are
>>> able to attend multiple meetings per month.
>> Ahh, we have no data on this.  You just pulled this out of your butt.
>> I, for one, would enjoy going to several meetings per month.  Others could
>> pick and choose.
>>  If we consistently get more than fifty people at each location, maybe
>>> then it's time to consider
>>> multiple meetings per month.
>> Excuse me, what is this "magic number" of 50 that you cooked up?  You're
>> making an error in assuming that no south bay people will attend any other
>> meeting.
>>  If we do that, we might as well add a *different* weeknight; I know some
>>> people can't attend meetings on Thursdays, which then leads to *each*
>> Aahz, NOBODY has posted that this is a problem; I would much prefer to
>> hear from those people directly than just having you say people can't attend
>> on Thursdays.
>>  location rotating between weeknights so that e.g. people who can't go to
>>> Mountain View on Thursdays have a chance.
>> And, as I say in Plain English, above, I "suggested" the 4th Thursday,
>> because then every 2 weeks (approx) there would be a baypiggies meeting
>> somewhere in the Bay Area. Move it +/- one day, who cares?
>> ------
>> Aahz, you hardly ever come to meetings, and, unless you're plan on
>> changing your behavior, you won't come to future meetings.
>> I think it's a travesty that you continue to post on this subject - what
>> are you, some kind of behind-the-scenes King who can tell us plebians what
>> to do?  I think you have some kind of problem.
>> I really wouldn't mind if your comments were helpful - but, as I've
>> demonstrated, you're making things up.
>> Not helpful.
>> -Mike
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