[Baypiggies] Fwd: hold a meeting at YouTube in San Bruno?

slimmer max at theslimmers.net
Tue Jul 1 01:17:43 CEST 2008

You mention NorthBay, well I have had thoughts of organizing a group in 
my area since it is becoming more difficult to get down to the Google 
location. I live and work some days of the week in Sebastopol, and work 
in San Francisco the other days. The times I have been able to make it 
to the Google location I would drive down instead of taking the bus and 
deal with SF parking and then stay an extra day, drive down to meeting 
on Thursday and then all the way home Thursday night.  The meeting has 
to sound pretty interesting to do that, though I do enjoy being able to 
mix with other Python users.

If there was enough interest I would be willing to help organize and 
find a location for holding meetings. It seems to me that this would not 
be a good "Alternate" location, but if there were a number of interested 
parties we could explore forming a NorthBay group, or maybe something 
more informal were Python minded people lucky enough to live in this 
area could get together for an exchange of ideas.


Aahz wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 28, 2008, Mike Cheponis wrote:
>> 1) I think we should keep the monthly meetings at Google.  Many of our 
>> famous members show up there (Wesley, Alex, Anna, Guido, etc, etc) We've 
>> established a good-sized group now.
>> 2) Having a north bay meeting sounds like a great idea IF it is in ADDITION 
>> to the regular Google monthly meeting.  Such a meeting could be 
>> interstitial with the existing meetings - for example, on the 4th Thursday 
>> of the month.
>> Seems like everybody would be happy with such an arrangement.  
> Well, no.  There are people who would like to attend BayPIGgies meetings
> regardless of where they are.  I'm strongly opposed to splintering the
> physical meeting, not until we have enough people to sustain separate
> groups with multiple meetings per month, and I don't think we do while
> maintaining the community.
> Moreover, there's something that seems really wrong to me about using
> the "famous members" as an excuse.
> Finally, I haven't seen a lot of people arguing for a north bay meeting.
> Mostly people are arguing for east bay, SF, and north peninsula.

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