[Baypiggies] communities of practice

Rick Kwan kenobi at gmail.com
Fri Mar 16 20:52:58 CET 2007

I recently had to respond to some comments about collaboration tools,
or more specifically "communities of practice" (CoP).  The respondents
(1 east coast, 1 west coast) both cited MS SharePoint (< 50 people)
and Tomoye (very large communities) as good tools.

My suspicion is that this is also handled by Zope/Plone, but I haven't
done any work in the CoP arena and only a passing reading familiarity
with the various Python-based frameworks out there.

Anyone have any instructive comments in this area?  I probably will
have to set up something on a shared Linux server for a community of
up to 1500 people.


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