[Baypiggies] [JOB] LucasFilm/Industrial Light & Magic and Asterpix

wesley chun wescpy at gmail.com
Thu Mar 15 22:21:43 CET 2007

sorry, *2* positions at Lucas... below's the 2nd one... no
heavy-lifting required and more "hardcore."  :-)  this one is for
LucasFilm while the 1st one was for ILM.


On 3/15/07, wesley chun <wescpy at gmail.com> wrote:
> web stuff, databases, streaming audio/video, XML, documentation, and
> Python; some heavy lifting and event planning too!  ;-)
> http://ilm.com/jobs/it/20070129.html
> contact me privately if interested, and i'll fwd you to the HR person
> and hiring manager. i believe the position is in the presidio.

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