[Baypiggies] clustering

Paul Marxhausen pmarxhausen at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 12 08:39:31 CEST 2006


see feature articles at 
http://www.linuxjournal.com/issue/149 for practical
beginner info on Beowulf, Condor, Heartbeat, and
parallel programming (also useful references and contacts).


Paul Marxhausen

--- "Carl J. Van Arsdall" <cvanarsdall at mvista.com> wrote:

> Shannon -jj Behrens wrote:
> > Hey Guys,
> >
> > I need to do some data processing, and I'd like to use a cluster so
> > that I don't have to grow old waiting for my computer to finish. 
> I'm
> > thinking about using the servers I have locally.  I'm completely
> new
> > to clustering.  I understand how to break a problem up into
> > paralizable pieces, but I don't understand the admin side of it. 
> My
> > current data set is about 16 gigs, and I need to do things like run
> > filters over strings, make sure strings are unique, etc.  I'll be
> > using Python wherever possible.
> >
> > * Do I have to run a particular Linux distro?  Do they all have to
> be
> > the same, or can I just setup a daemon on each machine?
> >   
>  From what I've seen this can vary.  For example if you are using PVM
> then you should be able to have a heterogeneous cluster without too
> much 
> difficulty.  Although, personally, for ease of adminsitration, shit
> like 
> that, I prefer to keep things (at least on the software side) as
> similar 
> as I can.  The reality of the cluster is what you make of it
> > * What does "Beowulf" do for me?
> >   
> Beowulf isn't so great.  There are a number of "active" clustering 
> technologies going on.  I've seen a bit about OpenMosix passed
> around, 
> although I believe it exists as kernel patches that are somewhat
> dated 
> last time I checked (they were for 2.4 kernels).  If you have a lot
> of 
> machines etc, you might even want to google load balancing clusters
> and 
> see what you get.
> > * How do I admin all the boxes without having to enter the same
> command n times?
> >   
> Check out dsh - dancer's shell.   If you are running a debian distro
> you 
> can just apt-get it, I use it all the time, a really handy tool.
> > * I've heard that MPI is good and standard.  Should I use it?  Can
> I
> > use it with Python programs?
> >   
> As far as parallel programs go, MPI (and sometimes PVM) tend to be
> the 
> best ways to achieve maximum speed although they tend to incur more 
> development overhead.  Lots of people also use combinations of MPI
> and 
> OpenMP (or pthreads, whatev, openMP is nice and easy and soon to be 
> standard in gcc) when they have clusters of smp machines.  In my 
> experience, when you have lots of data to move around it can
> definitely 
> be to your advantage to use MPI as you can control specifically how
> data 
> will be passed around and setup a network to match that.  With 16
> gigs 
> of data you will really want to look at your network topology and how
> you choose to distribute the data.
> > * Is there anything better than NFS that I could use to access the
> data?
> >   
> I've seen a number of different ways to do this.  You can google 
> distributed shared file systems, I think there are a couple projects
> out 
> there, although I've never used any of them and I'd be very much 
> interested in anyone's stories if they had any.
> > * What hip, slick, and cool these days?
> >   
> You might even check out some grid computing stuff, kinda neat imho. 
> Also, when you get a cluster up and running with MPI or whatever you 
> might want to go as far as to profile your code and find the serious 
> bottlenecks in your application.  Check out TAU (Tuning Analysis and 
> Utilities), it has python bindings as well as MPI/OpenMP stuff.  Not 
> that you will use it, that's just one of those things you can google 
> should you be bored at work or interested in that typa stuff, and its
> a 
> good way to justify to your employer why you need to install
> infiniband 
> as your network ;)
> > I just need you point me in the right direction and tell me what's
> > good and what's a waste of time.
> >   
> Well, as you know you prob want to avoid python threads, although
> I've 
> set up a fairly primitive distributed system with python threads and 
> ssh.  Everything is I/O bound for me, so it works really well,
> although 
> I'm looking into better distributed technologies.  Just more stuff to
> play with as we learn (and i'm reading all the links people have
> posted 
> in response to your questions too, lots of good stuff)!  I'd also be 
> interested in the solution you choose, so if you ever want to post a 
> follow up thread I'd be happy to read the results of your project!
> -carl
> -- 
> Carl J. Van Arsdall
> cvanarsdall at mvista.com
> Build and Release
> MontaVista Software
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