[Baypiggies] Meeting on Sep. 14 at Google -- Plone

Dennis Reinhardt DennisR at dair.com
Sat Sep 9 02:01:09 CEST 2006

Thursday, September 14, 2006

7:30 PM Technical Program
   Topic: Introducing Plone (Content Management System)
   Speaker: Donna M. Snow
     Donna has been building dynamic websites with Plone since
        2001 and is an active member of the Plone community.
   Planned topics for this program (may be revised slightly):
     Introduction to Plone
     Case Studies
     Installation and setup of a Plone site
     Tour of Plone Interface
       adding new content, wysiwyg editor, publishing feature,
       working with portlets, smart folders, setting up groups
       and user permissions
     Installing new products
     Skinning (theming)
     Workflow & Security
     Search functionality
     Documentation (getting help)
     Q&A session (about 15 minutes)

   Companies that use Plone for content management include NASA,
     Oxfam, eBay, Trolltech, Nokia, Utah State University,
     Creative Commons and Wolford.

8:30 PM Reports
   Leslie Hawthorn (Google)
     OSCON 2006 activities: Google/O'reilly OS awards and
     Google Summer of Code update
   Robert Stephenson (gelc.org & OpenCourse.org):
     Review of Raymond Hettinger's excellent "AI in python"
     talk at OSCON 2006, solving puzzles in python.

8:50 PM Mapping/Random Access
   Mapping Moderator: Dennis Reinhardt (WinAjax):
     Mapping is a rapid-fire audience announcement open to
     all of topic headings (one speaker at a time).
   Random Access session (everyone breaks up into self-organized
     small-group discussion) follows immediately after Mapping.

This is substantially the same as posted at http://baypiggies.net/.

For directions to Google and avoid the lines to print your badge, visit 

Regards, Dennis
| Dennis    | DennisR at dair.com   |
| Reinhardt | http://WinAjax.com |

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