[Baypiggies] Qt with Python-based API strategy?

Chris Clark Chris.Clark at ingres.com
Mon Mar 13 23:07:51 CET 2006

Laurence Clark wrote:
> I am really impressed with PyQt.  I'd really like to hear if there are 
> problems with it before I sink a lot more effort into my PyQt coding.  
> The drawbacks may or may not apply to me as I am mostly interested in 
> doing rapid prototypes.
I have to confess in my brief fling with QT I liked it, but the 
licensing worried me slightly for Windows (a few years ago you couldn't 
use the QT designer under Windows under GPL, it was commercial or 
education only - I ended up using qtdesigner under Linux). Also QT 
portability was an issue for me so I ended up switching to wx a while back.

IMHO the gui designers for wx are not as polished as QT (spacers 
[/sizers] are not available in Boa, XRCed does have them but the 
properties for them are non-obvious, the last time I checked wxGlade 
didn't support them, even if I imported an xrc file from XRCed). I 
almost always use XRCed these days.

It sounds like my concerns for QT aren't yours (and you are already a QT 
user so I'd say stick with it), the big one will be getting pre-built 
bindings - you will probably end up building your own from src with 
older RedHat installations, as JJ mentioned FC should address that if 
you don't mind moving (Ubuntu, which is a debian derivative has 
up-to-date pre-built deb's available too).


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