[Baypiggies] Baypiggies website?

Giles Bowkett gilesb at gmail.com
Tue Nov 29 06:02:40 CET 2005

mais oui! also, taking it all off-list deprives us of the inevitable
this vs. that wars, i.e., TurboGears vs. Django, etc.

(I'm mainly just being obnoxious here, but the truth is if you observe
what the main points of contention in those sorts of debates are, you
do actually get a good idea of what the motivating design principles
are too. I'll even admit to provoking those little battles once in a
while just to see what happens. all that "my favorite muppet kicks
your favorite muppet's ass!" stuff can actually be quite informative.)

On 11/28/05, Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org> wrote:
> On 11/28/05, Aahz <aahz at pythoncraft.com> wrote:
> > Not to pick on you, Guido, or anyone else, but we already making progress
> > toward getting everything fixed, it's simply a matter of time and trying
> > to keep things orderly.  Talking about it on-list will not speed things
> > appreciably.
> And that's much appreciated, as is Deirdre's support for so many
> years. I fondly recall my first visit to a baypiggies meeting that she
> hosted at a small cafe in SF. (Boy we've grown.)
> But IMO it's better to be open about what's going on and who's doing
> something about it than to confront with surprise mailing list
> rehosting and a sudden disappearance of the website. I hope Deirdre
> will (let someone?) replace her current message with something like
> "Due to a change in the hosting situation the Baybpiggies site is
> temporarily closed; please come back in a while."
> --
> --Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)
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Giles Bowkett = Giles Goat Boy

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