[BangPypers] Wa.o nice SHPAML

Vishal vsapre80 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 29 07:00:10 CET 2009

Dear Praveen,

Thanks for SHPAML :)

SHPAML looks good :)

I see that SHPAML uses indentation to specify structure almost like YAML
(though it also does some more stuff like Inline stuff)
Did you consider converting a YAML document to HTML? Would it be possible to
do that?
I did not find any python module on the net for this. (if there's something
available, please send the link across)

Just wondering, 'cause then we dont have to learn yet another way of putting
in structured text.

Thanks and best regards,
Vishal Sapre

On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 3:26 PM, Praveen Kumar <
praveen.python.plone at gmail.com> wrote:

> SHPAML is a mini language
> that can help us build web pages more quickly.  It runs under Python
> versions 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, and 3.1.
> SHPAML is a HAML-like language for Python.  If we are not familiar with
> HAML, it is a markup language implemented in Ruby that allows us to create
> web pages with an indentation-based syntax.  SHPAML is not an exact port of
> HAML, but it shares the same big goal of slimming our markup, and it is
> written in Python!  It is a simple, lightweight preprocessor and intended
> to
> be used in many authoring schemes, whether you are producing HTML directly
> or integrating with a templating system
> http://shpaml.webfactional.com/examples
> --
> Praveen Kumar
> +91 9620621342
> http://praveensunsetpoint.wordpress.com
> Bangalore
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Thanks and best regards,
Vishal Sapre


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