[AstroPy] No Module Named Astropy.Timeseries

Robert Carr rspencercarr at gmail.com
Sun Jan 9 10:10:25 EST 2022

In the wise words of Roseanne Roseannadanna, "Never mind."

I found my solution and share my solution to save any others responding to
my original help request... and perhaps my realization may be helpful to
others.  It was after giving up on solving my problem, taking my head away
from the wall, that I took a new approach.  I ran "pip install" on the
files in the error messages.   Then I reinstalled astropy and updated
pytest.  Hallelujah!  Astropy.timeseries now ran.  Unfortunately, several
other of my programs now did not work because photutils and and astroquery
through error messages.  Updating these resolved the problems.  The details
are not interesting.  My lesson learned, "Keep calm and take a nap."

Thank you for all your past help,

Bob C.

On Sat, Jan 8, 2022 at 7:34 PM Robert Carr <rspencercarr at gmail.com> wrote:

> Happy New Year.  I hope that there is an easy solution to my issue.
> I wish to analyze variable objects and a run Lomb-Scargle periodogram
> within astropy.timeseries.  This *should *be straightforward.  However,
> when I attempt *import astropy.timeseries *I get the error message *No
> module named 'astropy.timeseries'*
> I pip installed and pip updated a number of packages.  All went without a
> hitch.  I believe that I have the dependencies installed... but expect
> that the error indicates that I am likely mistaken.
> I have attempted to test my installation of astropy.  I find 3 errors, all
> having to do with exceptions relating to
> *\site-packages\astropy\coordinates\earth.py*  I do not know whether
> these issues are related.
> Likely I am missing something simple.  Your help in pointing my way
> forward will be very much appreciated.  Thank you!
> Bob C
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