[AstroPy] RECALL: specutils.analysis.correlation

Peter Dzwig pdzwig at summaventures.com
Sun Apr 24 06:13:36 EDT 2022

Please ignore last night's mail as the issues have most likely been 
resolved in the interim.

Many thanks,


On 23/04/2022 16:18, Peter Dzwig wrote:
> Can people clear up a few points for me on this.
> (i) Is specutils.analysis.correlation just scipy's correlation adapted 
> to handle Spectrum1Ds;
> (ii) Does it require the two input spectra to have been resampled before 
> input, or is *all* necessary resampling done internally;
> (iii) what technique is used for calculating the correlations?
> I am trying to compare this to another approach and I can't find 
> sufficient detail in the docs for what I need.
> Many thanks,
> Peter


Dr. Peter Dzwig

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