[AstroPy] Executable Script fitsheader

j. vickroy jgv.home at gmail.com
Tue Sep 10 11:10:09 EDT 2019

As a quick followup ...

line 262 in function print_headers_traditional of 

for idx, filename in enumerate(args.filename):  # support wildcards

filename, immediately after line 262, is simply "*.fit" which indicates 
args.filename has not been previously expanded if a wildcard has been 

At least that is the the behavior when running fitsheader.py from the 
C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe shell on Microsoft Windows 10.


On 9/9/2019 4:47:18 PM, "James Dull" <dull4.ja at gmail.com> wrote:

>I would like to extract header information from several hundred fits 
>files and put it into a csv file. I ran across the executable script 
>information fitsheader that appears to do just that. It works perfectly 
>for a single file. However, when I follow the online command for that 
>uses a wildcard so multiple files can be completed in a single pass I 
>get "unrecognized command"
>Something similar happens with the other scripts if I use a wildcard.
>I feel I'm missing something simple.
>The command I'm using is: fitsheader --table ascii.csv *.fits > 
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