[AstroPy] colour RGB images and plotting

Yannick Roehlly yannick.roehlly at lam.fr
Mon Nov 11 18:39:51 EST 2013

Le Mon, 11 Nov 2013 19:49:16 -0200,
Sebastian <sebas0 at gmail.com> a écrit :

> Anyone had any success in making matplotlib plots of Montage jpg
> images accessing on the JPEG header info?

Hi Sebastian,

I've never tried with RGB maps produced directly by Montage, but I
suppose it uses AVM to embed the WCS information, so you should be able
to use them wit APLpy (http://aplpy.github.io/).



Solutions are obvious if one only has the optical power to observe them
over the horizon.
		-- K. A. Arsdall

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