[AstroPy] bouncing balls problem in EPD 7.3-2

Dr. Juan E Cabanela Ph.D. cabanela at mnstate.edu
Fri Aug 3 23:26:49 EDT 2012

Hello all,

    I went through the Python 4 Astronomers website last summer to learn python.  At that time, I took the route of installing EPD (32-bit OSX version) on my MacBook Pro and working with that.  It went well.  

    This year, I am interested in using Python in a Computational Physics course and so I was installing EPD 7.3-2 on my Mac.  I have discovered that I now have an odd problem where the bounce.py script from


no longer runs properly in 'ipython -pylab'.  Instead of animating the motion of the balls, the script seems to hang for a moment, then displays what appears to be the last frame of motion of the balls.  I have confirmed this behavior for EPD 7.3-2 (32-bit OSX) installed under Lion and Mountain Lion.  Was there a recent change to Python that would have propagated through EPD 7.3-2 and could be affecting these animations?

Dr. Juan Cabanela                    218-477-2453 (V)  218-477-2290 (F)
Minnesota State University Moorhead     WWW: http://www.cabanela.com/     
Dept. of Physics and Astronomy      Twitter: Juan_Kinda_Guy 
1104 Seventh Ave South, Hagen 307B       IM: AstroJuanCab (AIM)   
Moorhead, MN 56563                           cabanela at mnstate.edu (MSN)
                                             juancab at gmail.com (GTalk)
   Public PGP Key available at: http://www.cabanela.com/juan_public.asc

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