[AstroPy] SciPy 2012

Matt Davis mrdavis at stsci.edu
Tue Apr 3 09:36:50 EDT 2012

I'm with Erik, waiting to see what the tutorials are. A Pandas tutorial might be nice. But if we could do a significant AstroPy sprint that would definitely be an enticement.

- Matt

On Mar 28, 2012, at 2:53 PM, Erik Bray wrote:

> On 03/28/2012 02:36 PM, James Turner wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I'm just wondering who is thinking of attending SciPy in Austin this
>> July 16-21:
>>    http://conference.scipy.org/scipy2012/
>> I've been asked by the organizers to help out, but am just figuring out
>> what my plans are, since it clashes with a couple of things. If there's
>> enough interest, I would propose an AstroPy sprint during the last
>> couple of days, where people (including me) can get started contributing
>> and focus on one or two areas of missing functionality, compared with
>> eg. IRAF or IDL.
>> I gather the next AstroPy co-ordination meeting is likely to happen
>> separately elsewhere, due to people's limited availability during the
>> conference season, but SciPy is a good venue for wider exposure and for
>> participants to learn about other Python tools (eg. NumPy, Matplotlib,
>> GPU libraries, symbolic mathematics, you name it...).
>> Cheers,
>> James.
> I'm probably going to hold off until I see what tutorials get 
> accepted--the tutorials were kind of the highlight of SciPy for me last 
> year.  I don't recall getting too much out of the talks.  Not that there 
> was anything wrong with them, or that there weren't some very 
> interesting ones. Just that there were only a handful I felt that I took 
> much away from that's of immediate use to me.  But that's just me.
> That said, I don't mean to sound down on SciPy. And an Astropy sprint 
> would be a great incentive.  I can't believe it's already been nearly a 
> year since last time...
> Erik
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