[XML-SIG] install problem

James Maciokas jbmaciokas at ucdavis.edu
Mon Jan 12 13:41:55 EST 2004

On Thu, 18 Sep 2003 paul.boddie at ementor.no wrote:
>> I checked around on my system and "/usr/lib/python2.3/config/" does not
>> exist ("/usr/lib/python2.3/" does).
>> Is this not one of those RPM issues where you have to install the
>> python-devel package as well as the python one? I do wonder how useful it is
>> for the distribution vendors in question to split Python up in this way.

>Turns out that it is... thx. And no, it really isn't very useful,
>especially not in cases like python, perl, ruby e.t.c. I mean when would
>you not want the *-devel package?
>Thanks for the helpful replies,
>kind regards

So how does one go about installing the python-devel package as well as the
python one?

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