[XML-SIG] RE: SimpleXMLRPCServer-related questions

Brian Quinlan brian@sweetapp.com
Thu, 17 Oct 2002 11:37:25 -0700

> How do I start the SimpleXMLRPCServer(derived) object?

By calling either serve_forever(), or handle_request()

> Should I start it with inetd?

I don't know. Doesn't inetd use stdin and stdout instead of socket IO?
If so, it might be similar to using CGI, and you find examples of that

> In this case, the SimpleXMLRPCServer class (or its ancestors) provides
> facility to get and record the PID for later use?


> How do I handle the service shutdown request in the SimpleXMLRPCServer
> case?

Maybe this will help:

> In a real-world application, should I use threads with

It depends on the quality of service that you intend to offer clients,
the maximum time it takes to complete a request, and the maximum load.

> Is there any tutorial/article on this topic? (I have read already the 
> recipe called "A simple XML-RPC Server", by Brian Quinlan, available 
> at the  ASPN - activestate web site. That's very good but not enough 
> for my needs).

Not that I know of. SimpleXMLRPCServer subclasses BaseHTTPServer, so you
might want to read the documentation for that. Then, if that still isn't
enough, you could read the SimpleXMLRPCServer source, which is quite

> Is there any complete (but simple) XML-RPC server that I can dissect
> study?

I could send you one, but it won't really show you anything that the
cookbook didn't.
