[XML-SIG] Simple DOM API a la dom4j/jdom

Matt G. matt_g_@hotmail.com
Wed, 17 Jul 2002 03:03:17 +0000

>Does such a thing exist with a BSD-style license somewhere for Python?
>Now that I try to use XML again after a long time, I find the DOM API
>just too clumsy, and have written a very basic DOM wrapper that allows
>me to do things like:
>doc = reader.fromStream(open("flow.xml"))
>print DOMWrapper(doc)["startnode"][0].name
>       ^              ^            ^   ^
>       Wrapper        Element coll.|   attribute
>                                   |
>                                   First element, also supports iterators

It seems that you want either XPath (http://www.w3c.org/TR/xpath) or XML 
Query (http://www.w3c.org/XML/Query).  I agree that, for navigating a large 
document, these are definitely the way to go.  4Suite includes an XPath 
implementation, and uses the Apache license (I don't know if that's similar 
enough to the BSD license, for you).  I assume their XPath package is used 
by their XSLT processor, in which case it's must be pretty solid.

I poked around at the API documentation, and didn't find such a high-level 
interface as you seem to want.  Maybe I just missed it.  If not, I think 
it's a shame, since I wanted to use XPath w/ DOM, too.

Good luck,
Matt Gruenke

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