[XML-SIG] Great Reason for 4Suite Release delay

Paul Prescod paul@prescod.net
Fri, 21 Jul 2000 11:26:41 -0500

Uche Ogbuji wrote:
> We were expecting to have 4XSLT 0.9.2, etc. out late last week, but as
> always, our hacking instincts got in the way of the "release early,
> release often" philosophy.  We started optimizing and couldn't stop.
> As of now, on several of our benchmark documents, 4XSLT is now 100 times
> faster than release 0.9.1.  Yes, I meant 100.  One 200K document that
> used to take 5 minutes to render now takes 3 seconds.  
> ...

That's amazing progress. Dare I hope that some of that is in your DOM
and XPath which are useful even beyond XSLT?

 Paul Prescod - Not encumbered by corporate consensus
"Hardly anything more unwelcome can befall a scientific writer than 
having the foundations of his edifice shaken after the work is 
finished.  I have been placed in this position by a letter from 
Mr. Bertrand Russell..." 
 - Frege, Appendix of Basic Laws of Arithmetic (of Russell's Paradox)