[XML-SIG] [Call for Participation: <<UML>>'99]

Jean-Michel BRUEL Jean-Michel.Bruel@univ-pau.fr
Thu, 8 Jul 1999 10:00:52 +0200 (MET DST)

[apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement]

     Preliminary Call for Participation      <<UML>>'99

 Second International Conference on the
      Unified Modeling Language

 October 28-30, 1999, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
           (just before OOPSLA)


Invited Speakers: Grady Booch and David Harel


  Registration  | IEEE/ACM Members | Non-Members | Full-time students
  Before Oct. 6 |       $405       |    $505     |      $ 175       |
  After Oct. 6  |       $490       |    $605     |      $ 190       |

  Full registration includes the following: session attendance,
  conference lunches and breaks on each day of the conference (3 days), 
  conference reception, conference banquet, and conference proceedings.
  Student registration includes only session attendance and breaks.

Hotel Information (tentative):

  University Park Holiday Inn, 425 W. Prospect Road,
  Fort Collins, CO 80526.
  Single, double, triple, quad rate: $92 per night.
  Cut-off date: Sept. 13, 1999.
Further Information:
   Robert B. France             E-mail: france@cs.colostate.edu
   Computer Science Department  Tel:    970-491-6356
   Colorado State University    Fax:    970-491-2466
   Fort Collins, CO 80523, USA

   Bernhard Rumpe               E-mail: rumpe@in.tum.de
   Institut fuer Informatik     Tel:    0049-89-289-28129
   T. Universitaet Muenchen     Fax:    0049-89-289-28183
   80290 Muenchen, Germany

Sponsored by IEEE CS Technical Committee on Complexity in Computing.
In Cooperation with ACM SIGSOFT.
With the Support of the OMG and Rational Software. 
UML is a trademark of the OMG.