[XML-SIG] (fwd) WebDAV extensions to urllib/httplib?

Greg Stein gstein@lyra.org
Mon, 31 Aug 1998 02:06:46 -0700

Andrew M. Kuchling wrote:
> "Steven Heaney" writes:
> >Can anybody point me to some software to kick-start development of
> >a client library for interacting with a 'WebDAV' server?  Specifically,
> >I have in mind a forms-based interface to the Netscape Web Publisher
> >functionality.
>         I don't know of anyone who's started on implementing bits of
> WebDAV in Python, but most of the pieces--httplib.py, XML parsing--are
> probably already in place, and you'd only have to glue them together.
> (This is gathered from a cursory glance at the WebDAV draft, so take
> it with a grain of salt.)

I'd be interested in following your work on this, as I had planned to
start a similar library in about a month. I'll happily consult on info
for a while, and take a more direct role later.


Greg Stein (gstein@lyra.org)                 execfile("disclaimer.py")