[Python Wpg] Hello

Scott Balneaves sbalneav at legalaid.mb.ca
Tue Sep 5 10:34:07 EDT 2006

On Mon, Sep 04, 2006 at 11:01:24AM -0500, Chris and Janice Nelson wrote:

> Hi Folks: I am a newbie to Python and was introduced to it by a long timei
> friend of mine who has gone on to develop a web based application using
> Python.I am looking forward to getting my feet wet with this software in
> the coming weeks.Looking forward to meeting everyone.
> Chris


You'll find we're a small, but interesting lot.

Some of the projects we've got underway:

1) Starlanes: Classic gaming with a python twist!  Newer!  Blingier!
   XML-RPCier! Made Up Adjectivier!
2) LdapFS: Esoteric LDAP administration made even more bizarre with a
   filesystem frontend via FUSE.  All the rage on the runways of Paris
   and Milan!

All this, plus:

Language Fundamentals!
Questions and Answers!
Advice on your own projects!
Dancing Elephants and a 3 Ring Circus!*

So, come on out, and have a blast.


* Three ring circus not available in all areas, current zoning bylaws
  permitting, see user group for details, no patents pending.

Scott L. Balneaves | "Looking beyond the embers of bridges glowing behind us
Systems Department |  To a glimpse of how green it was on the other side..."
Legal Aid Manitoba |    -- Pink Floyd "High Hopes"

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