[Web-SIG] no_authkit_users_in_environ

Etienne Robillard tkadm30 at yandex.com
Wed Apr 9 17:19:58 CEST 2014


I'm trying to make cookie auth working with authkit but cannot
find a healthy solution. So far here's the code which i'm trying
to use for getting a users object into the environ:

#!/usr/bin/env python
from notmm.controllers.wsgi import WSGIController
from notmm.controllers.auth import LoginController
from notmm.utils.http import httpserver
from notmm.utils.configparse import loadconf

sample_app = WSGIController()
settings = sample_app.settings
global_conf = loadconf('auth.conf')
auth_conf = global_conf['authkit']
auth_app = LoginController(sample_app, auth_conf, settings=settings)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    httpserver.daemonize(auth_app, ('localhost', 8000))

And here's the login view to handle authentication:

def authenticate_user(request, username, password, tokens='', user_data=time.ctime,
    """Authenticate the user into the site and update the last_modified
    timestamp if authentication and authorization granted user access."""

        user_setter_func = request.environ[authfunc]
        if valid_password(request.environ, username, password):
            user_setter_func(username, tokens=tokens, user_data=user_data())
            #trigger function here to update the last_modified timestamp 
            log.debug('User %s has been authenticated and authorized access!!' % username)
        raise NotAuthenticatedError
    except (KeyError, Exception):
        raise NotAuthenticatedError
    return None


class AuthCookieController(SessionController):
    Authentication controller to delegate authorization to generic
    user-defined backends.

    request_class = HTTPRequest
    response_class = HTTPResponse

    def __init__(self, wsgi_app, auth_conf=None, **kwargs):
        super(AuthCookieController, self).__init__(**kwargs)

        #put a pointer on the previous wsgi app in the stack
        self.wsgi_app = wsgi_app

        self.auth_conf_wrapper = auth_middleware(wsgi_app,
            cookie_secret='secret string',
    def application(self, environ, start_response, exc_info=None):
        # apply the response middleware wrapper to
        # the WSGI stack and return a callable obj
        return self.auth_conf_wrapper(environ, start_response)

    def authenticate(self, username, password):
        Authenticate with the provided ``username`` and ``password``. 
        Developers are expected to override this method in custom
        authentication subclasses.

        if username == password:
            return username
            return None

LoginController = AuthCookieController

the traceback:

> /home/steiner/src/notmm/trunk/examples/auth/views/login.py(33)authenticate_user()
-> if valid_password(request.environ, username, password):
(Pdb) bt
-> httpserver.daemonize(auth_app, ('localhost', 8000))
-> server.serve()
-> self.server.serve_forever()
-> self._handle_request_noblock()
-> self.process_request(request, client_address)
-> self.finish_request(request, client_address)
-> self.RequestHandlerClass(request, client_address, self)
-> self.handle()
-> handler.run(self.server.get_app())
-> self.result = application(self.environ, self.start_response)
-> return self.app(environ, start_response)
-> return self.app(environ, cookie_setting_start_response)
-> app_iter = app(environ, start_response)
-> return self.default(environ, find)
-> return self.app(environ, start_response)
-> authenticate_user(request, username, password)
> /home/steiner/src/notmm/trunk/examples/auth/views/login.py(33)authenticate_user()
-> if valid_password(request.environ, username, password):
-> raise no_authkit_users_in_environ

And heres the config i use:

authkit.setup.enable = true
authkit.setup.method = redirect,cookie
authkit.setup.handle_exceptions = false

#authkit.authenticate.callback = authkit.authenticate.cookie2:middleware
#authkit.digest.authenticate.user.data = visitor:open_sesame
#authkit.digest.realm = 'Test realm'

# authentication options
authkit.redirect.url = /session_login/
#authkit.user.type = mainapp.accounts.model:UserManager

as you can see authkit middleware doesnt set up a proper users
object, which make authentication fail. Is there thus an alternative method
to set up the middleware to handle form authentication in authkit?



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